Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The New Link Is Here!!

Why wait? Be among the the first to submit your content for credit, using our ridiculously easy Google link. It's seemless and failsafe. Submitting content has never been easier. Be sure that your screenshots are visible, that they include your tags (whether in the photo or video or the body of the post), and the date. Should you experience any technical difficulties, be sure to email us. The one and only email that you should use for anything Blacktone Labs Legion related is: . Using any other email, will only delay the processs of correcting errors and/or helping you troubleshoot through any issues. We highly value each and every Legion member's experience, so these tips will take away any stress and get your supplements to your doorstep lighting fast!!

Also, don't forget about the Blackstone Labs Black Friday Sale!! BOGO's Site Wide, plus TONS of FREE goodies depending on whether you spend $150, $200, $300 (call center only) and/or $500!! You'll also get a coupon for December BOGO's should you want to stock up next month.

Here's the deal, if you're using products like Glycolog, Hype, Halo and Turmeric, every month anyways, why not stock up and save? It's more money in your pocket AND you're getting all the Blackstone supplements that are must-have's in your arsenal.

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Glycolog + Halo + Hype = Great Workout!!

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